Shingle Roofing

Mesa Roofing, LLC will offer you the most up to date selection of Laminated Architectural shingles that have a 30 to 50 year manufacture warranty; depending on what kind you choose. All shingles are Class A fire resistant.


The lower cost option is known as 3-Tab shingles. It appears as a one layer product with a distinct pattern of tabs. This pattern is caused by vertical slots notched into the visible part of each shingle The higher cost options are the Laminates/Dimensional shingles also known as architectural shingles are created by bonding or laminating two asphalt shingles together (doubling the material thickness), giving them a distinct three-dimensional appearance similar to that of wood shakes. These are considered more attractive, are heavier in weight, and have longer life spans.


Whatever your choice, we will help you through the process and make sure you receive the product you want and quality work with customer satisfaction.

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